Ok, so here goes my first post. I am not sure how this Google blog works yet or if it works at all and that is not too different a feeling about my experiences here so far. I need to try and start somehow so please bear with me. Before arriving a read a book that helped me to understand the culture and how I could be successful fitting in. It said not to make eye contact, not to touch anyone, not to get angry, buy local clothes and bargain for everything. I have only been here for 4 days and I have managed to do everything wrong. It is far more challenging to adjust than I expected. Everything has been a challenge including working out the internet. The people have been quite tolerant. I think. I really have no way of knowing how badly I may be offending everyone I come in contact with. I am attempting to post some first impressions here. I hope they make sense. I made captions before uploading them but I don't see them. Do you?
First, let me share that although I knew there would be smog here I was surprised at exactly how bad the air quality is. This is a warning for us all. Here is the view from my hotel room first thing in the morning and the sun is out, there are no clouds. This is what the air looks like. I will not share what it smells like. A little worse than Los Angeles. It feels and smells like the city has been burning for months. I am wearing a mask outside.
I took a walking tour with this man, named Tariq, who used to survive on his own on the street and is now s leader in an organization called the Salaam Balik Trust. He walked us through a bit of Old Delhi while he told his story.
Rides available at the train station; entry to New Delhi
Would you like a ride?
Selling everyday pottery

This man was being very tolerant of me.
Is it mail? Garbage? Worship? I don't know. I just like the way it looks.
This is a stack of about 30 mattresses being stored during the day. The children who stay here at night will bring them down to make their bed . I know I uploaded more photos but I cannot see them. Please let me know what YOU can see!