Buddhas Anyone?

Buddhas Anyone?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In the Monkey Forest...I know I shouldn't have done this but i love monkeys

This girl grabbed my Purell hand wipe right from my hand and the other one wanted to know about the cool new toy...

They can get fierce.  Look at those teeth!  sorry that it is a little blurry but I got a little nnnn-nervous.

I know I shouldn't have been giving this a go but I was curious...

Getting bugs picked off can be so relaxing

Ok, lady, where are you hiding those bananas?  I know you have more.

Give it to me!

Hey, it's not so bad hanging out up here on this crazy lady. I have to say it is so amazing how human like their fingers and toes are.  It is utterly fascinating to me.  I know I look like crap but it is 90 something degrees outside and very humid.

Awwww, baby monkey interested in my shoelaces.

These guys seem awfully close to figuring out how to make fire.

The family that naps together; 'you can lean on me'

mmmm, tasty Purell hand wipe.  She ate the entire thing.


  1. OMG! These are amazing! Shot of you with monkey on your shoulder is priceless. That's not the one who was baring his teeth, I hope...

  2. Ter! look at the next group of shots I just posted. Na, that was a nice monkey.
