Buddhas Anyone?

Buddhas Anyone?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monkeys, monkeys and more monkeys running amok in Lopburi

A mother nursing her alien baby

Hanging out, eating an apple, making a mess

Eating their fruits and vegetables.  Who knows where they got it from.

This monkey was getting upset at the lady behind me. 

They do get fierce!  A few tried to climb up my leg when I wasn't paying attention.

This is a town where the inmates run the asylum!  It is just freaky to see a city where the monkeys live in the streets, outnumber the humans and behave like mobsters terrorizing the people who live there and those who visit ...

This guy stole the beverage from a tourist!  The nerve!!

Playing with an empty bottle with all of his fingers and toes.

Making sure she is ready for her close up.

Look closely in front of the Buddha's hand there is a monkey leaning his head and hands against the stone in front of it-looks like she's praying. It looked so funny.  Maybe you had to be there?

These guys never wait for the walk signal when crossing I think it might be because they just can't relate to that flashing red human. 

Just a typical day in Lopburi
This gentle flower of a woman was hired by our guide to make sure that the monkeys did not climb up our bodies and steal our stuff or bite us.

Napping monkeys and yes, we really did get this close to these guys.. .  

A monkey giving another monkey a massage with a pine cone.  Massage is very big in Thailand if you don't know.

Yeesh. Are these guys really monkeys or are they aliens??

This guy was referred to as "The King".  He is the boss of the other mob monkeys and as sweet as he looks here I bet he is one mean king.  I wish you could have seen him walk because he has one huge swinging sack of a belly.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about aliens, but there are some creepy looking gnomes in Lopburi.

    Also, in your description of "The King", it looked for a moment like the caption ended at "swinging sack", and I just assumed THAT was why he's called the king. If that was intentional, then well played.
