Buddhas Anyone?

Buddhas Anyone?

Monday, January 24, 2011

From drinking beer from a can with a straw to the Four Seasons

Some impressions from the street market: these are beautiful fruit candies that are sold by the each.  i had to buy a bunch to see what they were like.  I thought they would be like marzipan fruit but they are nothing of the sort.  they are soft, sticky and spongy, made from some sort of fermented soy and smell horrible.  I couldn't even get to the taste.  pretty though.

You can make chili paste anywhere!

You never know when you are going to encounter a hot pink boob.

These "robots" as they call them are awesome!  We watched as they were making some really huge ones.  I bought 2 little ones, one of  R2D2  and one of Yoda.  Fabulous!

Pad Thai, fried rice, rice noodles, what would you like?  He was very proud that I was taking his picture as he cooked.  Right on the street.

We attended the Saturday and Sunday night "walking street markets" in Chaing Mai and saw thousands of handicrafts being made and hundreds of food stalls making all kinds of local treats.  This is a sweet dumpling made on a screen with rice batter and a peanut/tamarind filling. Look at them close up if you can!  It is fascinating....

It all happens so quick, filling them and closing them and selling them...

Can you tell what they are like?  very fragile.  you have to eat them right away.

I could not figure out how they make these eggs but they do something to them in the shell, cook them by roasting them and they have this green stuff perched at the top.  they are very popular along with roasted corn, sweet potatoes and other stuff I can't identify but it looks festive!  20 baht is less than a dollar.

Sausages sold by the meter!

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