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Buddhas Anyone?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Visiting the Long Neck Tribe and shopping.....

The girls in the Long Neck Tribes first start to get their copper wrapped around their necks at age 5.  By the time they are adults they have almost 5 kilos of copper coiled around their neck.  I don't know how much is on their ankles or wrists.  that is a lot to carry around!

She is actually from the Akha Tribe.  I visited them on the way to the Long Neck Tribe.  What a face, huh?

A fascinating yet ordinary  coffee place I stopped at along the road there....the coffee around these parts is fantastic!

This, my friends, is a pineapple.  some very special pineapple that happens in the field every once in a while.  It looks like the truffle of pineapples.  I was afraid to buy it and eat it.  I couldn't imagine how to eat it.  

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